National Longhorn Futurity Race
NLFR will compile the total points accumulated in each year from participating futurities nationwide. Awards will be presented to the High Point Heifer and High Point Bull—these are the animals that accumulate the highest points throughout the year. The winners will be featured on the cover of the January Trails and January Drover magazines. Additionally, each winning ranch will be highlighted in an article in both magazines. At the end of each year, we host the Championship show in a bracket style showdown. More information about the Championship can be found here.
There is no fee to participate in the NLFR. We will calculate and display point totals below after each futurity, allowing you to track point accumulation throughout the year.
This is a program from Huntington Sales, we're giving back to the industry. Complete this form to add your Futurity to the NLFR. We hope to include you in this program.
How are ties broken?
Ties are broken by the two judges that are thrown out. If there is still a tie, the animals are compared head to head with each judge.
How are points accumulated?
The score from the futurities will be totaled after the futurity.
When do points start to accumulate and end?
Point accumulation start January 1st and end December 31st.
What is the fee to be part of the NLFR?
There is no fee to be part of the NLFR.
What do the winners receive?
The winning animals will be featured on the cover of the January Trails & January Dover with an article on each winning ranch.
How do we participate in the NLFR?
Futurity hosts can complete this form to have their event added to the NLFR
All registered Texas Longhorns qualify